Saturday, March 19, 2011

I know - shocking

I can hardly believe it myself - I'm posting something new!!! I have been soooo swamped lately, but I'm taking a little time (I can't force myself to make another bracelet right now) and filling you all (all 4 of you) in. :)
I'm just about 2 weeks away from delivering son #2. We're so excited to meet him. We haven't finalized a name yet, but Jack has his favorites. It looks like (as you can see) that we're going to have another bruiser. The midwife says that I do have a lot of fluid, but he could be another big boy. I'm so anxious to see who he looks like, etc.
I've been utilizing what little time I have to finish baby projects. I bought a gorgeous hand-made bassinet and just finished fitting a mattress with a mattress cover and sheets that I made. So, no-name Simpson at least has a place to sleep. The essentials are done, now I just have the extras: quilt, etc.

I'm guessing my next post will include pictures of a pink-faced, chubby boy. Until then....

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Ok - so we're a week into the New Year. I'm a little slow. Which explains why I have a stack of New Year's newsletters waiting for stamps. Here's a couple of shots from our recent family photo shoot. Nothing like dragging my boys out into the 30 degree weather to satisfy my wants! ;)
Only 3 more months and we'll have one more boy to add to the bunch. YEAH!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Cheer

Shwoo - we made it through Christmas. We had two wonderful trips to Dallas and UT/ID. It was great to see so many friends and family. Just a few pics to enjoy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

80% chance of flurries

Yikes - things just don't seem to ever slow down this time of year. I feel like I've been going non-stop for 3 weeks now. And we've got quite a schedule still to come. Pete and I are headed to Dallas for graduation, then we celebrate our 4-year anniversary, then it's off to Utah and Idaho for a quick Christmas visit. But, I love this time of year.
Jack is getting a little more into the Christmas thing. He goes with me to buy his toys and forgets about them by the time we get home. It's perfect. And I don't expect it to happen next year :). As you can see by the photos, he loves looking at the ads - always on the hunt for the cars.

Other big news - we're having another boy (see proof above) :). We're very excited. I think both of us were kind of thinking it was a girl, because we were a little shocked. But we're tickled to have another little man in the house. Jack isn't. He is emphatic about not wanting a brother, though I'm not sure he knows what that means. :)

Well - hopefully I can keep up with this better. (I'll make that a note on my resolutions list)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lazy town

Ok, ok. So I know it's been FOREVER! Let's just blame it on the first trimester fatigue. But, I'm back (I wouldn't say in full force) and hopefully can do a little better.
Plenty has happened since I was here last. First, my little man turned 2! I can't believe it. We had a blast: balloons, cake, friends & family, cars, cars, cars. Jack is great at holding out all 5 fingers and telling you he is 2. Jack is going to be a puppy for Halloween and the costume (purchased yesterday) is already getting well-used. He loves that thing.
Pete is still working hard and trying to squeeze in a few more bike rides before it's too cold. Luckily weather has been great this fall.
I have been blistering my little fingers making bracelets, but it's good for me. :) The baby is doing great. I felt it move for the first time this week. Just one more month and we'll know the sex, or as the midwife said today, "the anatomy."
Things are good in the Simpson household. Here are a few pics to prove it. ;)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Long time no see

So, we've been housesitting for the last 2+ weeks and I've been away from my computer. But, we're home again and I have tons of pictures.
Let's see if I can explain all these:
- Riding in the sack swing. It's a little snug for 2, but still fun!
- Jack loves when Daddy comes home. Especially when Jack then gets a driving lesson.
- A really cool park. Of course, with our cars.
- Just goofin' with mom and playing in the un-made bed.
- Jack got stung by a yellow jacket right above his eye. He's showing me his owie.
- Jumping on the trampoline with dad.
- We were taking care of the chickens. We called this one "mama hen." Jack loved her, because he could pet her.
- Chillin' with cousin Amaia.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer Fun

So it's been a little while. Sorry
Here are a few from our summer adventures. Butterfly Pavilion. Hiking with our new backpack. Riding the pony at the Pioneer Party.

We've been loving it all. It's gotten a bit hot though. I'll be glad to have it cool down a little.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Around the house

Just a few shots of the little man.
He LOVES his "Poppy." Especially when Poppy has a big bowl of ice cream.
I love that he loves to read. This book is "Ducks in Muck." The "Oh no!" is because the trucks get stuck. :)


So, we went on our first camping trip with Jack. He did really well!! He slept better than Pete and I (we're getting old). He loved going for walks and digging in the dirt. And, of course, he loved the fire. We're happy to have an outdoors boy! Thanks Jake for the perfect spot.