Saturday, February 6, 2010


I've kind of been a slacker with the photos lately - as well as the blog posting.
Things are good in the Simpson house. We're in the process of finding out where Pete will be doing a residency. Just when we had officially started counting down the days until we leave Texas, Pete heard that the lady he did a rotation with has a residency open. Soooooo, we'll have to see where fate leads us.
Here are a couple of picks of Jack. Our sweet little man.

1 comment:

angelalois said...

I recognize that book! Big A Little A what begins with A??? I've read it so many times I have the whole thing memorized and when Wesley is FREAKING OUT I can just take it from the top and he calms down. Ahhh being a mother. Thanks for the updates! Cute kiddo! I hope you stay in Texas... if you want to...