Friday, April 30, 2010


Spring has been great here in TX. Only one more week to enjoy it. Then we get to hit Colorado just as it gets great!!
Here are just a few of the last couple of weeks. This video cracks me up!! It will be interesting to see how he uses that arm once the cast is off.
I couldn't resist taking the shot of him on the couch - such a man! Half eaten food, no shirt, just chillin' and watching TV. Love it.
He is TOTALLY surprising us these days with his expanding vocabulary. Words come out of his mouth and we have no idea where he learned them (they're all good words, by the way). :) He is still such a joy. He makes us laugh every day.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dapper Duo

This adorable outfit came from Grandma & Grandpa Simpson. He looked sooooo cute, we had to snap a few photos. Everyone at church just loved it.


We decided we couldn't let our last Spring in TX go by without a bluebonnet picture. Even with the blue cast. I'm glad we did it - they turned out cute. Jack is with his cousins Lily & June. Lily could not get enough of Jack. He was doing good to keep the kisses coming. Although he swatted a few down. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Smarty pants

Just because one arm isn't as usable, doesn't mean our little man can't have his fun. I love how he figured out how to keep on truckin'

Mommy's fault

I guess I can give a little info on how poor Jack got broken. This is a picture of the infamous bench in the gazebo - the one Jack fell off when Mommy was facing the opposite direction. He landed on his foot first, but came down on his hand. Both bones in his forearm were fractured.
They are very straight now and we're told that it won't affect his growth at all.
Luckily we had already hunted down all the Easter eggs (Dad wouldn't call it lucky.... :) ).
The ladies in this pic are party goers. I hope they don't mind that I've used this photo. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Froggy Monster

Here are a couple of videos. Jack is starting to get used to the cast and playing around more. I think it's probably just not hurting as much.

Boxer Boy

Just because he's making this face doesn't mean he was forced into this box. He played in it for a long time! One perk of moving.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chronicles of a broken boy

Well, here it is. Proof of my marvelous mothering skills. :) These are pictures of the splint. He just got his real cast on - which was awful - so I'll have to post more later.
He's doing well with it. Sleeping is still a problem. It's hard to get comfy with a heavy, stiff arm.